Tuesday, November 27, 2007

May the Force be with You!

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

Actually, it was just last month on Halloween!
I'm not sure how this happened, but all the kids decided to be Star Wars characters!

Sara started this whole thing with Princess Leia. She's become this Star Wars fanatic lately - so she and Jake have something to talk about.

So Jake was Darth Vader and he walked around saying things like "Your powers are weak old man." It was hilarious!

But I have to say, my greatest shock came when Anna said she would be Yoda! That ugly little creature that speaks in backwards sentences! Anna thought it was great having her face painted green. School pictures were THE NEXT DAY - so as I applied that green make-up I said a little prayer that it would all come off! Prayer answered! That night, she carried my ipod with an external speaker and they marched around all night to the Star Wars theme and the Imperial March (that's Darth Vader's music!) - everyone loved it.

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Halloween gets scarier every year!

So... our great neighbors, John and Cindy opened their house to friends and family and hosted a Halloween party. I've said before that we have great neighbors... but honestly, sometimes they scare me.

Mitch and Kelli - stuck in the 70s!

Our hostess, Cindy had a small problem with some crows...

And here is Cindy's husband John - the dead guy in pumpkin pants... and our beautiful Greek goddess, Jo, whose husband could have come to the party as a Greek god, but instead...

chose to come as mustard. I'm still trying to figure that one out! ;-)
And here we are... and I can say without a doubt - this is the last time we dress up as cave people!

Yep - this is Greg with hair - pulling mine!